It’s Getting Better All the Time: EMC and Teradata Deliver Better Backup and Disaster Recovery

Teradata has unveiled new certified solutions that dramatically enhance backup, recovery and DR capabilities for Teradata Database users.  The new certifications are with EMC’s latest industry-leading Data Domain deduplication storage systems and Teradata’s latest Data Stream Architecture (DSA), delivering new data protection options through Teradata’s Backup Archive and Recovery (BAR) solution for its database customers.

The Teradata/EMC relationship itself is not entirely new.  Teradata already incorporates Data Domain systems as part of its Advocated BAR data protection offering. That said, the relationship is much deeper as Teradata also sells, optimizes and takes Level 1 support for Data Domain when it is sold as part of its BAR solution.

Teradata’s certification of the new Data Domain DD7200 is the latest in a series of recent advances by Teradata and EMC– specifically geared to deliver better data protection for Teradata Database customers.

A 1-2…3! Punch That Delivers Better Teradata Protection

Things got better for Teradata customers in October 2013 when Teradata announced its Data Stream Architecture (DSA), a new architecture designed to optimize data streaming from Teradata databases and increase performance of its BAR solution.  The DSA introduces features such as new stream layout and larger data blocks that improve Data Domain deduplication. Through close collaboration with EMC, Teradata also certified the Data Domain Operating System 5.4 in October 2013, and now the DD7200, bringing enormous backup performances improvements to customers.  The combination of the DSA architecture, the latest DD OS and the DD7200 protection storage system results in up to a 101% performance improvement over previous Data Domain-based Teradata BAR solution offerings.

As Chris Twogood, Vice President, Product and Services Marketing from Teradata, said, “Teradata and EMC are committed to providing the best backup solutions to our mutual customers.  This is why both companies engaged early on to complete certification of our latest respective technologies in concert with the release of Teradata’s new Data Stream Architecture. The combination of Teradata DSA with Data Domain is an effective and reliable backup and recovery solution for Teradata Databases and offers a fully automated and highly effective DR solution with network efficient replication.”Slide 1 JPG for Blog FF

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Today, Teradata supports both the DD890 and the new DD7200.  To date, many petabytes of data from Teradata Databases are being protected by Data Domain systems sold by Teradata as part of BAR.

For more information about Teradata BAR and Data Domain please:

  • Visit the Teradata BAR webpage, and
  • Read the Teradata Magazine article “Too Much of the Same” on leveraging data deduplication technologies for better Teradata Database protection
  • Read more about how Teradata’s Data Stream Architecture supercharges database backup and recovery in the Teradata Magazine article Bionic Backup

For additional insights into transformational data protection technologies and techniques, please visit the EMC backup and archive community.

About the Author: Anselmo Barrero