OSCON: The Data Locker project and Singly

Who owns your data? Hopefully the answer is you and while that may be true it is often very difficult to get your data out of sites you have uploaded it to and move it elsewhere. Additionally, your data is scattered across a bunch of sites and locations across the web, wouldn’t it be amazing to have it all in one place and be able to mash it up and do things with it? Jeremie Miller observed these issues within his own family so, along with a few friends, he started the Data Locker project and Singly (Data Locker is an open source project and Singly is the commercial entity behind it).

I caught up with Jeremie right after the talk he delivered at OSCON. Here’s what he had to say:

Some of the ground Jeremie covers:

  • The concept behind the Data Locker project, why you should care
  • How the locker actually works
  • The role Singly will play as a host
  • Where they are, timeline-wise, on both the project and Singly

Extra-credit reading

Pau for now…

About the Author: Barton George